The North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This was an "aliance" if you will of European countries with the US to uphold th policy of containment of the spread of communism. |
Related: SALT II | Cuban Missile crises | Bay of Pigs | Sputnik | Warsaw Pact, CENTO | SEATO | McCarthism | Berlin Blockade, Marshall Plan | OAS, Truman Doctrine | Berlin wall |
Council of Europe |
This was a general agreement between a majority of the European nations saying that they would not interfere with each other. |
Related: Direct elections for European Parliament | Lome Convention | Britain joins EEC | EFTA | Treaty of Rome |
The Chinese Revolution |
As Shiang Kai-shek continued to hide out in Taiwan, Mao Tse Tung was getting more and more popular as he fought off the Japanese. The revolution came from the peasants, as upposed to the Marxist idea of the proletariate leading the revolution. |
Related: Cultural Revoltion | Great Leap Forward | Hundred Flowers Campaigne | Sino-Soviet Split | Sputnik | Long March | Chiang Kai-Shek leader of Kuomintang | Kuomintang Rebellion |
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