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McCarthism |
During the war, Russia proved itself as a powerful force. After the war, there was no longer a common threat to keep the Russian Communists and the capitalists of the West together. This caused a fear of communism (especially in America). This fear was used by a senator called McCarthy. He started his red scare but producing a list of all communist spies in America. This lead to paranoia and persecution in the States and to McCarthy recieving more power (now there was a threat!). McCarthism was a driving force behind such things as containment and persecution of "black listed" Americans. |
Related: SALT II | Cuban Missile crises | Bay of Pigs | Sputnik | Warsaw Pact, CENTO | SEATO | Berlin Blockade, Marshall Plan | NATO | OAS, Truman Doctrine | Berlin wall |
Korean war |
After the war, Japan pulled out of Korea leaving the North to the USSR and the south to the USA. The north proposed a unification of all of Korea and raided the South. The US sent General McArthur and the 7th fleet to Korea and put a resolution in front of the UN condeming the North of agrresion. The resolution passed (the USSR wasn't present) and the North advance was stopped. Then McArthur proceeded to invade North Korea, which brought China into the war. Eventually McArthur was fired for this act. Then, after Truman was defeated by Eisenhower, the US threatened to use the A-bomb on Korea. In 1953 their was peace after Britain and france guaranteed Korea's borders. |
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