The Teheran Conference
Here, the three big powers (Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill) agreed to open a second front against the Germans in France and that Russia was to declare war on Japan once Germany was defeated.
Related: Pearl Harbour | Anti-Comintern Pact | Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Yalta Conference, Potsdam Conference | Coral Sea and Midway, Battle of Stalingrad, El Alamein, Dieppe Raid | Battle of Kursk | D-Day | Fall of France, Battle of Britain | Invasion of Poland, Moscow Pact | Anti-Commintern Pact | Appeasement, formation of the Axis, Reocupation of the Rhineland | Peace of Paris

European Russia
The Battla of Kursk
This was when Russia forced German troops out of the city of Kursk, which had been occupied by the Germans the previous summer.
Related: Pearl Harbour | Anti-Comintern Pact | Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Yalta Conference, Potsdam Conference | Coral Sea and Midway, Battle of Stalingrad, El Alamein, Dieppe Raid | D-Day | Fall of France, Battle of Britain | Invasion of Poland, Moscow Pact | Anti-Commintern Pact | Appeasement, formation of the Axis, Reocupation of the Rhineland | Peace of Paris

Commintern disbanded
To make his allies happy, Stalin decided to dissolve the commintern, the Russian organization responsible for giving aid to countries who were near or in the middle of a communist revolution.
Related: Commintern Established

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