European Russia
The Yalta Conference
In this conference, the big three decided to devide Germany into four zones of occuption, one being French, one Britain, one for the USA and one for the USSR.
Related: Ospolitik | Berlin Wall built | West Germany joins NATO | Berlin Blockade, Airlift | D-Day | Hitler elected

Hiroshima and Nagasaki
To keep the Russian communists form following their peomise to invade Japan (and therefore have a large mass of land to themselves), the USA decided to take the Japanese matter into their own hands. Instead of sending thousands of troops there and run the sisk of high casualties, the US decided to make use of one of their new A-bombs. Suffice to say, after the use of the two bombs, the war was over for Japan.
Related: Pearl Harbour | Anti-Comintern Pact

The Potsdam Conference
This conference was to pretty much iron out the parioning of Germany.
Related: Ospolitik | Berlin Wall built | West Germany joins NATO | Berlin Blockade, Airlift | D-Day | Hitler elected

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